................................................Bannockburn Battle Site Map

Battle Location

There has long been confusion as to the exact location of the battle (see battle map above). This is probably due to the fact that much of the site is now covered with the present village of Bannockburn, where one would find it harder to envisage a medieval battle. For this reason historians have preferred to put the site on the flat land to the north, bordering the river Forth. In the present day this idea would seem acceptable as the site is well drained agricultural land, perfect conditions for battle. One must remember though, that in the 14th Century it would have been the marshy wetland of the river Forth flood plain, across which not even an incompetent fool like Edward II would choose to do battle. For this reason, and through the interpretation of records it is generally agreed that the battle site lay to the north of the Bannockburn gorge on relatively flat land between the carse (marshland) and Gillies hill.

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